Last Update: March 13, 2023


Your use of Massive Loop is governed by the Massive Loop Terms of Use. As Massive Loop continues to grow and offer new features including new ways to interact with others though its games, service, and environments, an additional level of explanation of our community standards is beneficial. These standards are a guide for how the Massive Loop community should interact with each other and the platform to keep our community a positive, safe, and enjoyable place for everyone.


Our Community Standards apply to all users of Massive Loop’s games, services, and environments. All users must follow the Massive Loop Community Standards.


The following standards apply to all your actions and with other users in Massive Loop, both online and at real-world events hosted by Massive Loop. We are determined to keep Massive Loop as safe as possible, and a fun place for you to join, explore, hang with your friends, play games, or create with others. We want to ensure that if users choose to not follow our Community Standards, we can protect users across our platform and in our community.


Violating these standards may result in enforcement action against your account all the way up to a permanent ban.


If you notice something that you think violates the Community Standards, please let us know by using the Report feature in your account.


Thank you for being a part of the Massive Loop community. We appreciate your cooperation with these standards and commitment to help keep Massive Loop a safe and fun space for everyone.




You must be 18 years of age or older to enter Massive Loop metaverse, or to use any of Massive Loop’s software or services.



To keep Massive Loop a safe and welcoming place where everyone feels comfortable being themselves, the following is not allowed:

1.     Child Endangerment.
Massive Loop has a zero-tolerance policy for endangering children, including:

a.     Any predatory behavior including grooming

b.     Sexualizing children in any way

c.      Engaging in sexual conversation with or soliciting sexual material from minors

d.     Sharing, requesting, or discussing child sexual exploitation imagery.


2.     Bullying and Harassment.
Remember to always be kind and respect other people when chatting, playing, or creating. Massive Loop does not allow:

a.     Interactions with others in a way that is bullying, stalking, trolling, threatening, intimidating, lewd, demeaning, derogatory, invasive of privacy, or abusive on our platform.

b.     Any content that depicts, glorifies, or promotes the above behaviors, including singling out a user or group for ridicule or abuse, and sexual harassment

c.      Threats of violence to others or to property with real world harm, or to encourage such threats. We may communicate with law enforcement agencies regarding credible threats of harm.


3.     Intolerance and Discrimination

Massive Loop does not tolerate any form of hate or discrimination. Massive Loop welcomes diversity in race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, national origin, and other groups. You may not:

a.     Demean, marginalize, use hateful language against, belittle, threaten, or attack other users or groups, or encourage others to do so directly or indirectly.

b.     Create or share content that was designed to discriminate against others based on their membership in the groups mentioned above


4.     Dangerous, Illegal or Inappropriate Activities

Massive Loop prohibits users from discussing, depicting, glorifying, encouraging, or promoting illegal or dangerous activities within the community in Massive Loop or in the real world, including:

a.     Illegal drug use

b.     Depictions of intoxicated behavior associated with consuming alcohol, drugs, or tobacco and other smokable products

c.      Instructions or schematics in the real world for bomb or weapons

d.     Gambling

e.     Phishing, fraud, hacking or piracy

f.      Human trafficking

g.     Prostitution

h.     Doxing

i.      Swatting

j.       Threat of harm to yourself or others especially as a joke

k.     Real world physically dangerous activities including physical challenge or stunt trends

l.      Depicting, supporting, glorifying, promoting, or associating with organized crime, extremist organization, terrorist organizations, or hate groups and their actions

m.   Sharing content that glorifies or incites violence and gore including animal abuse and torture, realistic depictions of extreme Gore, or depiction, support, or glorification of war crimes or human right violations

n.     Recreating specific real-world tragic events, mocking victims of such events, supporting, glorifying, or promoting the perpetrators, or capitalizing on these events for commercial purposes

o.     Extorting and blackmailing another user. Threats include either revealing personal information, making false abuse reports, or harming someone in real life

p.     Making false reports to authorities

q.     Other harmful off-platform speeches and behaviors


5.     Profanity

To keep Massive Loop safe and civil for everyone, we do not allow any form of swearing including in text, images, uploaded audio, or in different languages.


6.     Impersonation

Do not impersonate other users, streamers, celebrities, government officials, Massive Loop’s employees, Massive Loop’s contractors or its affiliates, or anyone else within Massive Loop metaverse or in the real world. This does not apply to satire, fan art, or tributes that are not misleading to other users.


7.     Abuse of Massive Loop Employees, Contractors, or Affiliates

Massive Loop respects its users to treat all Massive Loop employees, contractors, or affiliates with kindness and respect. Mistreating, threatening emotional or physical harm, harassing, blackmailing Massive Loop employees, contractors, or their families in any form, including via email, off-platform, or in-person could result in the loss of your account. This also includes threatening damage or harm to Massive Loop offices or data storage facilities.




Massive Loop platform lets you create and share content with a wide and diverse audience. We want our platform to be welcoming for everyone, therefore certain content cannot be shared or transmitted through Massive Loop and its services. Content, communications, and activity in Massive Loop should not keep others from having positive experiences. All content must follow the Safety Guidelines mentioned above.


Massive Loop also prohibits the following content:


8.     Political Content.

This includes discussion or depiction of any political candidates, political parties or organizations, desecration of political entity symbols (including flag burning), or inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships.


9.     Disruptive Audio

This includes any audio that disrupts other users’ experience such as unintelligible audio from background noise on purpose, excessive loudness, screaming, or high-pitches noises.


10.  Scams and Deceptive Practices

Do not attempt to scam or deceive users out of their account information or money in Massive Loop or in the real world. This includes but not limited to phishing, uploading unauthorized copies of content, selling Massive Loop’s assets for real money off-platform, or creating experiences solely for direct users off Massive Loop platform.


11.  Cheating and Exploits

We do not permit users to cheat, grief, team, or exploit bugs and glitches. Do not promote, advertise, or share known cheats, bugs, or exploits.


12.  Infringing or Unauthorized Content

Massive Loop does not allow users to violate intellectual property rights and will remove infringing content upon receiving a valid Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice or Trademark infringement removal request. Do not share or use content you did not create or have permission from the owner to use. Credit the creator if you are sharing or reposting the content of others.


13.  Directing Users Off-Platform

Links to any external websites or services are not allowed in Massive Loop, except for: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Twitter, and Twitch.




To maintain a safe metaverse, Massive Loop does not permit:


14.  Sharing Personal Information

Sharing others’ personal information without permission in Massive Loop is prohibited. This includes full name, email address, usernames, passwords, physical address, telephone number, images of other private individuals, unauthorized voice recording recordings of minors.


Keep account information safe and private. Giving access to your account puts you at risk. Do not share your account information or the account information of others


15.  Unauthorized Access
We prohibit any activity that is used to gain unauthorized access to Massive Loop’s systems or accounts, as well as threatening or encouraging such activity. This includes hacking, posting misleading links, any sort of cyberattack


16.  Misusing Massive Loop systems

Massive Loop maintains many systems to keep our users safe and secure, and we prohibit attempts to bypass these systems or otherwise violate our platform security requirements. This includes using bots that are programmed to run disruptive, large-scale tasks, re-uploading previously moderated content, Invading or flooding experiences or groups in an effort to destroy the experience or its reputation.





Moderation for a particular violation of these rules is determined on a case-by-case basis. We will take actions based on severity, repetition, or other factors. Actions taken can be anything from a warning all the way up to a permanent account ban.


If your account is permanently banned, you may lose all rights to Massive Loop, virtual items including servers, worlds, avatars, or other items that you may have earned, purchased, or created. If you have multiple accounts, we may take action against all of your accounts.




We are all part of this community, and it is up to us to keep it friendly, fun, and free of negativity.


If you encounter a user not respecting the Community Standards, you can report them via Report in your Massive Loop account.


See Massive Loop Terms of Use for more information.

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